Top corp comm challenges and the way to solve them

November 24, 2020
In 2020, we have all realized the importance of corporate communications like never before, suddenly finding ourselves working remotely. In this article, we will talk about the difficulties that corporate communications managers most often face, and will also take a look at a new tool that that empowers corporate culture.

Most pressing corporate communication issues

For several months, Workstories team has been conducting a large-scale study of corporate communications, their specific features in different countries, and the main difficulties that HR and communications managers face every day. We are happy to share the results of the interviews with professionals from different parts of the world.

Most of all, corp comms are concerned about:
  • Lack of centralization: there is no unified tool, which creates chaos in communication
  • No personalization of content: only 20% of the information is relevant to an employee
  • It is impossible to measure the effectiveness of communication campaign
  • Too many communication channels: inconsistency and blurred focus
  • Lack of interactivity: hard to engage employees and collect their feedback
  • No convenient content management system makes it hard to create and store corporate info and media

The way you solve these difficulties not only affects the KPI of the communication managers, but also has its negative impact on performance, as well as on retention rate, which is becoming one of the most important indicators in HR business processes, especially in 2020.

New solution

Our team has also encountered difficulties while moving to remote work, which made us think about creating a new tool for corporate communications. Workstories is a product of the Addreality team, which has been developing Digital Signage solution for many years. Before the quarantine, our efforts were focused on developing a product for retail, telecom, fintech and transport, applied in more than 18 countries of the world. Lockdown pushed us to use our technology and expertise to manage internal communications.

This is how Workstories was created — it is a tool that increases employee engagement in the company's news, culture, processes and events. This is a simple designer of corporate stories that solves complex problems.
Workstories — a corporate stories constructor created to empower internal communications. "Story" example in the right bottom corner.

Workstories can:

  • create stories with important information in a few clicks;
  • store and manage content within a single system;
  • schedule stories delivery;
  • target stories — send out only relevant content;
  • work on any screen — from smartphones to corporate TV;
  • appear in a pop-up format so that no one misses important information;
  • analyze team engagement in real time.
An example of how Workstories can inform employees about important events.
Corporate stories can be useful not only in remote working conditions, but also in the office, and we have several cool cases of its application which we will definitely share later on.
Learn more about Workstories and how it can help with internal communications
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