The Workstories platform supports not only digital signage but also corporate stories on employees' computers and smartphones. Thus, by implementing the Workstories in your company, you will be able to use the maximum number of communication channels with your employees, broadcasting corporate content both on work devices and in digital signage format.
Workstories allows you to:
- Create content once and broadcast on all devices in the company at once
- Save time for communications managers as well as employees. It's better to spend a few minutes watching Stories than half an hour sorting through emails with corporate newsletters
- Plan content, target it to certain departments, offices, or even individual employees
- Create groups of screens of any shape and for any purpose, add interactive screens and even entire interactive walls to the communication network
- Create any number of templates for any purpose and format using your company branding
- Create Stories based on data, the content of which will be updated automatically without any manual intervention
- Interact with both office workers, employees at production sites, and with remote teams in a common style and understandable Stories format
- Keep analytics of views and interactions, exporting it in Excel format
We are ready to conduct a product demo and answer any questions about the implementation of Workstories in your company at a convenient time for you! You can sign up for a demo